

Intrusion detection system

An intrusion detection system is a device or software application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations.


了解什麼是網絡安全中的IPS,以及它如何超越舊檢測系統的簡單智能。了解IPS 入侵防禦系統的工作原理以及為什麼它對您的業務至關重要。

What is an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)?

Intrusion prevention systems monitor network traffic for potential threats and automatically stop malicious activity.

傳統IPS 與新世代IPS

... Intrusion Prevention System,IPS或Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems,IDP)成為當紅炸子雞。但經過了8年的時間,傳統第一代IPS面對各種新的應用、設備 ...

What is an Intrusion Prevention System?

An instruction prevention system is designed to detect and deny access to malicious offenders before they can harm the system. An IPS is an integral part of ...


入侵防禦系統(IPS) 是一種網路安全性工具(可以是硬體裝置或軟體),可持續監控網路中的惡意活動,並在入侵真正發生時採取預防行動,包括報告、封鎖或丟棄。


入侵預防系統(英語:Intrusion Prevention System,縮寫為IPS),又稱為入侵偵測與預防系統(intrusion detection and prevention systems,縮寫為IDPS),是計算機網 ...